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Location: Silver Spring, Maryland, United States

I'm a geek and musician in the Washington DC-area. I love open source software, ukuleles, creating YouTube videos, teaching people things, play, boosting personal autonomy, community building, self-directed learning, libraries, storytelling, math, the maker movement, edcamps, the great indoors, barns, dance, poetry, entrepreneurship, mnemonics, and I forget the rest.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Unusual devotion

Way back in August, 2005, I stopped by to visit the Capital PC User Group booth at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair. Staffing the booth was former CPCUG president Dennis Courtney.

When I asked Dennis whether he was volunteering for a day or two, he replied that he was volunteering for every day of the fair. Best as I can recall, that fair went on for 5 days or more.

The degree of devotion required to do that much volunteering is rare. That's a rare degree of devotion. Other leaders of the Capital PC User Group have shown an equal degree of devotion.

I sometimes wonder what causes a person to have that much devotion. Maybe it boils down to the fact that they care a lot.


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